For single seasons, From 1901 to 2008, (requiring birth_year≤1910, death_year≥2005, and PA≥502), sorted by greatest OPSp

generated by a site user

Query generated using the Baseball Stathead : /pi/bsl_finder.cgi. Try the Stathead for free and make your own queries.

User's Notes:
For single seasons, From 1901 to 2008, (requiring birth_year<=1910, death_year>=2005, and PA>=502), sorted by greatest OPSp
  Cnt Player            OPS  BrYr DeYr  PA Year Age
    1 Ernie Koy          122 1909 2007 574 1938  28 
    2 Eddie Mayo         113 1910 2006 561 1945  35 
    3 Al Lopez           100 1908 2005 504 1934  25 
    4 Eddie Mayo          97 1910 2006 595 1947  37 
    5 Eddie Mayo          76 1910 2006 696 1944  34 
    6 Eddie Mayo          54 1910 2006 533 1943  33 

Seasons/Careers found: 6.

 Photos from the George Grantham Bain Collection at the Library of Congress.

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